Wednesday, August 19, 2009

edisi: gatal kaki all my sugar promulgater..

oh..its been a while...layyyyy zeee updating...

a lot of "keje cekolah" anyway..

Have you ever felt how does it feel to broke the rule?

Or may be doing something illegal?..

I did it just yesterday! !

Ruined somebody thing..eeuuuwww…

Somehow, I don’t make any confession ..any apologize…pay for the mess..or anything else..

to that person....


Believe sucks!

It just taste of culpable..blunder!

Anyway…proud of my BumbleVee..

maybe for the next entry will introduce all of promulgater with my bumblebee!


n0n0n said...

takkan baru sekali penah langgar rules?wakakakaka...tipu la...

n4dh!3r4 said...

haa...ang langgaq keta sapa ar...
tamau tgk bumblevee ang!!! wahahaha

hurly-burly-promulgate said...

nonon- ngeh3...ini kesalahan besar la..huhuhuhu...kesalahan kecik2 tu mmg patut kena buat..muahahaha

n4di3ra-muahahaha..tunggu entry akan datang...muahahaha