becoz im free from the most notty dotes..actually it almost a week went to k.l...fill up invitation for an interview..then, play my part to be responsibilities being super-duper maklong to b a babysitter a.ka. maid n sumone also call it bibik for a week ("o)..n u guys shud noe dat...i telah diperlakukan dengan kejam oleh all da dotes...huhuhuhu..but its ok.. nasib baik the dotes really cute..n my cousin pun bz..i play my role to enjoy my freedom n relaxing myself, today i hav cook this for my lunch ..YUMMY SPAGHETTI according to my style.
For dis yummy dishes..i do some renovation..i dun like too much taste of tomatoes.. i do put some prego source..hbq source..but put more chilies paste n thai paste, fresh meats n of cos fermagio dat, it didnt taste too sour or creamy 100%...hahaha..n da results..200% of satisfied..little dotess..tengok saje la ye..mak long never wanna share wif u all...haahaha(gelak jahat ne)
well..i dunno what happen wif my interview session but its really "wall-lah" n "cuckoo"...well for da next entry i will share it..make me nervous lah when thinking bout dat..
well, after a week in urban area, it make me think twice about our youngster..when i accompany my cousin to bangsar at nite..phewww.. i kat malaysia ke kat mane neh..hehehe..well maju tu memang la besh..v r da same level wif other negara maju ...but in other site aspect, our youngster morale..our principles, our nation bla..bla..bla.....huhuhuhu.. i dunno..may b sum of u will think dat im too "kepohchee" or not open minded but will u think twice..Our future di dalam tangan generasi muda sekrang..kalo the youngsters spoil..n what will happen to our motherland?? for me...we must think n come back to da root..where we come from?? sedarlah diri...if u r malaysian..u will be forever as malaysian even tukar kewarnegaraan..u still malaysian...PROUD to be MALAYSIAN.. furthermore, jadi maju takpe..asal tahu had dan batasan...yang baik jadikan panduan dan yang buruk2 tu jgn ikut...MODEN DENGAN CARA SENDIRI..dats y la perlukan people yang expert tentang hal2 yang berkaitan PENGURUSAN PEMBANGUNAN..Oppsss..terlebey sudah sampai promote course la plak..hehehehe..for all dat i hav said ne...datang dari naluri dan pendapat i as a CONCERN CITIZEN ( chewahhhhh...jgn marah!!)
Anyway...its all bout now today.. see u soon! (",)v
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