Thursday, May 28, 2009

bedmate yang sengal

entry yang lapuk..but then, I will start to tell about my precious experience at Harvard..not Harvard bussines school ye..nanti kang ada yang termuntah kat depan lappy plak..ini Harvard Suasana hotel South perth..hohohoh...larikkkssss

we start with my roomate..

This is my roommate…I heart them..why?


both suka makan makanan chef kat Harvard… just like me..

both suke gelak-gelak…just like me…

both suke tido..just like me…

both adalah beautiful…just like me..eheh..

both are outspoken..just like me..


both adalah craze…just NOT like Me..

pompuan gila ini ini adalah esah 50 sen

pompuan kering ne plak shimon

the next entry, will tell u more bout X-SOPHIST n the other rest of activities

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